Influencer couple from Bangladesh enjoying beautiful nature at Fishtal Lodge, Nepal Pokhara aka rusteaz
Storm in a relationship

Today we want to talk about something different yet special. It’s called a “relationship”.

Imteaz Fahim & Fariha Rusaifa aka Rusteaz Lifestyle, Popular blogger & influencer couple from bangladesh.Traveling to Nepal. Peace pagoda,Pokhara

Shanti Stupa | Pokhara

The Shanti Stupa [Peace Pagoda; Location: Anadu Hill, Kaski District; Pokhara City, Nepal]; a Buddhist monument symbolising World Peace. Built by Nipponzan-Myōhōji monk Morioka Sonin with

travel nepal
Travel to Nepal

The Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal is a land of sublime natural beauty and an

Influencer couple from Bangladesh enjoying beautiful nature at Fishtal Lodge, Nepal Pokhara aka rusteaz

Storm in a relationship

Today we want to talk about something different yet special. It’s called a “relationship”. There are many storms that couples have to weather during the

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